Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How do you do this????

How do you do this blog thing? I am so confused. I thought it would be fun to post about the fetus. We find out what it is on Friday - what do you think it will be? Boy or Girl? Take the quiz so we can see every one's answers.

I'll let you know when we find out!


ETCK said...

I'm so excited you finally have a blog! If you ever need any help, let me know. I have to say....I think you're having a boy (I know you want a girl though). Can't wait to find out! You better call me on Friday as soon as you know. Love ya!

Erik said...

You should put a picture of ManBearPig on your blog for Steve to look at.

Anonymous said...

Meg and I have been debating -- she thinks you'll have a boy, but I'm the one with a 100% track record so far on these things. Too bad you can't have one of each, but I'm guessing one is about enough for now, hmm? Love you so much!

Anonymous said...

I am not like Jen, I am never right, I am voting for a girl. I can't wait to see how a little girl will melt his heart, just like Liv did her dad and still does!

Love Mormor - first time I have written that!!

Meg said...

I'm always wrong but I think you're having a boy! Can't wait to hear that you're actually having a girl. :)

Now comes the fun part....picking a name!

OX Meg

Anonymous said...

Bill Cosby says "whoever had it last" gets to pick the gender. So if you want a girl, a girl it'll be!!

Anna-Lisa said...

Pat and I vote boy. Then we looked it up on the Chinese astrology predictor and it says boy too.

Joseph said...

at first i was really confused and thought... "mormor got a computer and is typing on a blogspot??"
i decided i should vote for a boy because our families are getting their comeuppance for having had mostly girls the first time around.

Jos and Kath said...

Okay... I'm with Joseph on this one. Boy (sorry. :) I also think it's HILARIOUS that you refer to "it" as "the fetus." ha! Can't wait to find out!! And welcome to the world of the blog!! yay.

Steve and Liv Moffat

This is our blog...sorry it isn't as cute as everyone elses.